Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Remember to Water Your Trees!

October is sometimes a very hot and dry month in Johannesburg. Where are the rains?  Well, we are going into a dry early season caused by, yes Signor El Nino......

Please remember to water your trees especially large established trees, which have all, but flushed the new seasons' regalia, and are looking beautiful.  Trees roots extend 3 to 5 times the trees' height.  A 10 meter (33 foot) tree will have roots extending between 30 and 50 meters in some cases.  Give your trees about the equivalent of 25 mm (1 inch) of rain per week in the summer, AND IN WINTER about 20 mm (3/4 inch). 

Dormant trees need moist roots so that they don't desiccate in the dry season. Conifers (Trees which produce a seed cone) or evergreen trees like the Mexican Evergreen Oak need regular watering during the winter.   NO TREE EVEN PALMS can live on no water.

How do you know if you must water?
Pick up some soil in your hands does it feel moist or dry? 
If moist can you squeeze water from it or does soil fall through your fingers?
Soil that is moist should not be exude water when squeezed.  If the soil falls through your fingers then it is too dry.  Go and practice and use your "Kop", don't drown or dry out your trees.

The light pink roots are from the Eugenia in the distance, about 13 meters away.  The tree was 5 meters tall and with a canopy 5 meters wide.  These roots still extended another 3 meters beyond that position.

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